
Battery Regeneration
Proprietary technology that promotes sulphate crystals dissolution and regenerates used battery to become as good as new with refreshed terminals.
- Proven & Industrial accepted procedure for extending battery lifespan.
- Economical solution
- Best throughput time for battery regeneration process
- Delaying Capital Expenditure from periodic purchase of new batteries
- CAPEX Savings of more than 50% on new batteries
- Direct Operational Cost Saving

Steel Fabrication
- Electrius manufactures an extensive range of fittings for bare and insulated overhead systems in the Low Voltage and High Voltage Power Distribution and Telecommunication networks.
- All products are Type Tested to meet specifications to be used in the system to ensure maximum performance when deployed in the system.
- Multiple materials are used to form the best combination in strength, insulation and weather resistant properties for example Steel, Fibre-Reinforced Plastic, Aluminium and Zinc.

Exceptionally High Strength
Individual Crossarms Mechanical Strength are tested beyond requirements.
Environmental and Weather Resistant
Formulated with enhanced UV & weathering protection. Our Crossarms are protected with Premium Marine Grade Coating.
Fire Rating (Best in Class)
Fire Retardancy & Self Extinguishing properties to counter risks of electrical fire
Non-conductive in nature
No Risk of Water Penetration
All Crossarms are Fully-Filled with Self Extinguishing Closed Cell Foam to prevent risks of water seepage that compromises the product’s dielectric properties and linesman safety.